ELH 540 Knowledge, Attitude & Skill Benchmarks

    Bob Davison Aviles, Ph.D
    Email-- aviles@bradley.edu

Course Identification:
    ELH 540 Human Growth and Development

Course Description:

  • Cognitive learning through reading and research into developmental stages: prenatal and infancy, early and middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, and late adulthood.
  • Cognitive and experiential learning with regard to human growth and development
  • Experiential activities emphasizing personal contact and onsite work with people with different ages and stages of physical and psychological development.

Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the course student will expected to demonstrate the following:


  • Acquire and understanding of the theoretical foundations of human growth and development
  • Gain and understanding of the development stages from prenatal throughout the lifespan
  • Become familiar with the principles and techniques available for studying human growth and development.
  • Understand the role with which inheritance and environment plays in determining the patterns within which the individual's growth and development will take
  • Understand the role which the family, school, and peer group play in the physical, psychological, and social development of the individual


  • Demonstrate the ability to observe and record the activities of adolescents, children and adults while relating the observation to knowledge gained through reading and web class dialogue
  • Demonstrate the usefulness of the knowledge of human growth and development with parents, teachers and other groups responsible for welfare of children.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of a specific area of human growth and development by researching a specific topic, i.e., child abuse, nutrition, teen pregnancy.
  • Analyzing human growth and development issues relevant to the counseling profession.

Values and Attitudes:

  • Gain a greater understanding and appreciation for the developmental process which humans go through.
  • Become an advocate for the rights of children in the school, home, and community.
  • Critically evaluate parenting practices and make recommendations on improving parenting skills.
  • Increase awareness of the needs of children and role that counselors playing working with children, parents, and teachers.

    Berk, L. E.  (2009).  Development through the lifespan (5th ed.).  New York: Allyn & Bacon 

Course Requirements:

  • Reflective Tasks: Each reflective task is worth  10 points for a total of 50 points.
  • Team Project: In virtual learning teams,students will post their Reflective Project to the class for a total of10 points
  • Exams:  Each student will complete a final exam for a total of 20 points.
  • Virtual Class Participation: 20 points.


  • 93 - 100 = A
  • 92 - 80 = B
  • 79 - 70 = C
  • 69 - 60 = D
  • 59 - below = F