Xiaotian Chen's Curriculum Vitae

Professor, Electronic Services Librarian

Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois, 61625, USA

| Education | Honors & Awards | Work Experience | Publications | Professional Services |
| ORCID | Linkedin Profile | Google Scholar Profile |


Honors, Awards, Media Appearances, and Professional Highlights

Work Experience


Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals (Journals in italicized boldface denote Web of Science SCI/SSCI/A&HCI indexed journals, and journals in straight boldface denote Web of Science ESCI indexed journals.)
33 total; 24 as a single author; among the 9 co-authored, 7 as the corresponding author; 28 research articles and 5 columns; 17 indexed by SCI/SSCI/A&HCI of Web of Science; 5 indexed by ESCI of Web of Science; all indexed by Scopus.


Other Publications/Presentations:

Professional Services, at State, National, and International Leveles

For more info, search "Xiaotian Chen" or "Chen, Xiaotian" on Google.

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