Xiaotian Chen's Curriculum Vitae
Professor, Electronic Services Librarian
Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois, 61625, USA
- MLS (Master of Library & Information
Science, ALA
Accredited), The University of Oklahoma, 1997.
- MA of Political Science/International
Affairs, University of Central Oklahoma, with honors, 4.0/4.0 GPA, 1995.
- Diploma of Graduate Study, Applied
Linguistics (language acqusition & teaching), Nanjing University, 1992.
- BA of English, Nanjing University, 1986
- Certificates: Alma Adminstration (2019), Primo VE Administration (2019), Cataloging Basics (2024), MS Access (2002), Python (2024), and SQL (2023).
Honors, Awards, Media Appearances, and Professional Highlights
- Ranked #14 in "Top 20 Librarian Authors Worldwide" by the journal Scientometrics (April 2015, Volume 103, Issue 1, pp 301-327, posted online Dec. 2014).
Ranked #129 overall in the world, when non-librarians are included, in ranking worldwide contributors to the literature of library and information science.
- Featured in the 1/25/2002 Chronicle of Higher Education story Once-Trustworthy Newspaper Databases Have Become Unreliable and Frustrating.
- Interviewed by Inside Higher Ed on President Obama's Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor's New York Times v. Tasini district court ruling. Inside Higher Ed article No Stranger to Higher Ed quoted my comments, in May 2009.
- Interviewed by Nature, and Nature article Elite researchers in China say they had ‘no choice’ but to commit misconduct (June 11, 2024) quoted my comments.
Interviewed by Science article Paper Trail (Jan 2024, V. 383, No. 6680) and the article quoted my comment.
- Interviewed by Nature, and Nature article China conducts first nationwide review of retractions and research misconduct (Feb 12, 2024) quoted my comments.
- Interviewed by Science, and Science article Big-name scientists surprised to find themselves on journal board (April, 2021) quoted my comment.
- Interviewed by Science, and Science article Top Chinese Scientist Faces Questions about Publications (Nov, 2019, V. 366, No. 6469) quoted my comments.
- Interviewed by Nature, and Nature article China’s clampdown on fake-paper factories picks up speed (Oct, 2021) quoted my comments.
- Interviewed by Nature, and Nature article The fight against fake-paper factories that churn out sham science (March, 2021) quoted my comments.
- Interviewed by Nature, and Nature article China’s Research-misconduct Rules Target ‘Paper Mills’ that Churn out Fake Studies (Aug, 2020) quoted my comments.
- 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award, by Marquis Who's Who.
- Who's Who in America, 63rd-70th editions, by Marquis Who's Who, in
- Who's Who in the World, 27th, 29th-33rd editions, by Marquis Who's Who, in 2010, and 2012-2016.
- 2005 article published in Internet Reference Services Quarterly was selected as one of the best items in information technology literature around the world by the April 2005 issue of Current Cites (ISSN: 1060-2356). Only 8-12 publications from around the world are selected monthly.
- Beta Phi Mu International Library Science
Honor Society, 1998.
- Who's Who Among Students in
American Universities & Colleges, nominated by The University of Oklahoma, 1997.
- Outstanding Graduating Student, University of Central Oklahoma, 1995.
Work Experience
- 1/2002--- Bradley
University Library, Peoria, IL. Electronic Services Librarian, Professor (June 2020---); Associate Professor (June 2007---May 2020); Assistant Professor (Jan 2002---May 2007).
Also Affiliate Instructor of Chinese (Aug 2011---2020).
- 8/1997---12/2001. Truman State University Library, Kirksville,
MO. Reference Librarian (1997---1999); Reference and Electronic Resources
Librarian (1999---2001).
- 1997. Intern at Reference Dept, Dulaney-Browne Library,
Oklahoma City University.
- 1996---1997. Graduate Teaching Assistant,
School of Library & Information Studies,
The University of Oklahoma.
- 1996---1997. Circulation, Law Library, The University of Oklahoma.
- 1995. LeoLeo International (computer sales company), Richardson, TX.
- 1993---1995. Microlab, University of Central Oklahoma Library.
- 1986---1993. Instructor (1986---1992) and
Lecturer (1992---1993),Department of Foreign Languages, China University of
Mining & Technology.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals (Journals in italicized boldface denote Web of Science SCI/SSCI/A&HCI indexed journals, and journals in straight boldface denote Web of Science ESCI indexed journals.)
33 total; 24 as a single author; among the 9 co-authored, 7 as the corresponding author; 28 research articles and 5 columns; 17 indexed by SCI/SSCI/A&HCI of Web of Science; 5 indexed by ESCI of Web of Science; all indexed by Scopus.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2025). OA Journals in Subscription-Based Full-Text Databases in 2024: An Analysis of EBSCO’s Academic Search Complete. Serials Librarian. Volume and issue TBD.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2024). Managing Ebooks: Challenges in Alma Community Zone. Collection Management. Volume and issue TBD.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2023). ChatGPT and Its Possible Impact on Library Reference Services. Internet Reference Services Quarterly. 27 (2), 121-129. (Column).
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2022). EBSCO Collections’ Discoverability Rate by Ex Libris’ Central Discovery Index (CDI). Collection Management. 48 (2), 84-96.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2021). Social Media in the Post-Truth and Political Manipulation Era: Let’s Re-Debate Michael Gorman Vs. Web 2.0. Internet Reference Services Quarterly. 25 (1-2), 1-7. (Column)
- Liu, X. & Chen, X. (2021). Authors’ Non-Institutional Emails and Their Correlation with Retraction. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 72 (4), 473-477. (Chen as the corresponding author).
- Hamlett, L, O’Neill, T, & Chen, X. (2020). Various Ways of Collecting EZproxy Usage Statistics. Internet Reference Services Quarterly. 24 (1-2), 31-51. (Chen as the corresponding author, Column).
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2019). Beall’s List and Cabell’s Blacklist: A Comparison of Two Lists of Predatory OA Journals. Serials Review. 45 (4), 219-226.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2019). Scholarly Journals Publication Frequency and Number of Articles in 2018-2019. Publications. 7(3).
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2019). High Monetary Rewards and High Academic Article Outputs: Are China’s Research Publications Policy Driven? Serials Librarian. 77 (1-2), 49-59.
- Liu, X. & Chen, X. (2019). CJK Languages or English: Languages Used by Academic Journals in China, Japan, and Korea. Journal of Scholarly
Publishing. 50(3). 201-214. (Chen as the corresponding author). Selected by the July/Aug 2019 issue of The INFORMED LIBRARIAN ONLINE as one of the "Featured Articles."
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2018). Calling Out Fake News on Social Media: A Comparison of Literature in Librarianship and Journalism. Internet Reference Services Quarterly. 23(1-2), 1-13.
- Liu, X. & Chen, X. (2018). Journal Retractions: Some Unique Features of Research Misconduct in China. Journal of Scholarly Publishing. 49(3). 305-319. (Chen as the corresponding author). Selected by the July/Aug 2018 issue of The INFORMED LIBRARIAN ONLINE as one of the "Featured Articles."
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2016). A Middle-of-the-Road Proposal amid the Sci-Hub Controversy: Share “Unofficial” Copies of Articles without Embargo, Legally. Publications. 4(4). 29-33. (Column)
- Chen, X. & Olijhoek, T. (2016). Measuring the Degrees of Openness of Scholarly Journals with the Open Access Spectrum (OAS) Evaluation Tool. Serials Review. 42(2), 108-115. (Chen as the corresponding author)
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2015). Questionable University-sponsored Supplements in High-impact Journals. Scientometrics. 105(3), 1985-1995. .
- Renaville, F., Branse, Y., Chen, X., & Needleman, M. (2015). SFX Miscellaneous Free E-journals Target: Usage Survey among the SFX Community. Serials Review. 41(2), 58-68. (Chen as the corresponding author)
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2014). Open Access in 2013: Reaching the 50% Milestone. Serials Review. 40 (1), 21-27. Selected by the July/August 2014 issue of The INFORMED LIBRARIAN ONLINE as one of the "Featured Articles."
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2013). Journal Articles Retrieval in an Age of Open Access. The Journal of Web Librarianship. 7 (3), 243-254.
- Chen, X. & O'Kelly, K. (2013). Taking Issues Column: Cross-Examining Google Scholar. Reference and User Services Quarterly. 52 (4), 279-282.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2012). Broken-Link Reports from SFX Users: How Publishers, Vendors and Libraries Can Do Better. Serials Review. 38 (4), 222–227.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2012). Google Books Assessments: Comparing Google Books Content with WorldCat Content. Online Information Review. 36 (4), 507 - 516.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2010). Google Scholar’s Dramatic Coverage Improvement Five Years after Debut. Serials Review. 36 (4), 221-226. Promoted by the International Mathematical Union Nov 2010 Newsletter. Ranked as the #1 hottest article during the 4th quarter of 2010 and the 1st quarter of 2011 on the journal Web site on ScienceDirect.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2010). The Declining Value of Subscription-Based Abstracting and Indexing Services in the New Knowledge Dissemination Era. Serials Review. 36 (2), 79-85. Selected by the June 2010 issue of The INFORMED LIBRARIAN ONLINE as one of the "EDITOR'S PICKS"/"Our Featured Articles."
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2010). Blog Archiving Issues: A Look at Blogs on Major Events and Popular Blogs. Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 15 (1), 21-33.
- Chen, X & Wynn, S. (2009). E-Journal Cataloging in an Age of Alternatives. Serials Librarian, 57 (1/2), 96-110. (Chen as the corresponding author)
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2007). Web-Exclusive Articles in Traditionally Print Periodicals. Serials Review, 33(4), 224-230. Cited in "Best magazines of 2007", Library Journal, 133 (8).
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2006). Overlap between Traditional Periodical Indexes and Newer Mega Indexes. Serials Review, 32 (4), 233-237.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2006). MetaLib, WebFeat, and Google: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Federated Search Engines Compared with Google. Online Information Review, 30 (4), 413-427.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2005). Figures and Tables Omitted from Online Periodical Articles: A Comparison of Vendors and Information Missing from Full-text Databases. Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 10 (2), 75-88. Selected as one of the best items in information technology literature around the world by the April 2005 issue of Current Cites.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2004). Assessment of Full-Text Sources Used by Serials Management Systems, OpenURL Link Resolvers, and Imported E-journal MARC Records. Online Information Review, 28 (6), 428-434.
- Chen, X, Colgan, L, Greene, C, Lowe, E and Winke, C. (2004). E-resource Cataloging Practices: A Survey of Academic Libraries and Consortia. Serials Librarian, 47 (1/2), 153-179.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2002). Embargo, Tasini, and Opted Out: How Many Periodical Articles are Missing from Full-Text Databases. Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 7 (4), 23-34. Selected into the bibliography for Summit on Serials in the Digital Environment, CONSER, the Library of Congress.
- Lu, Liang & Chen, Xiaotian. (1992). English Idioms and Phrases for College Students. (In Chinese, for English learners in China, ISBN: 7-81021-632-5). China University of Mining & Technology Press. Xuzhou, China.
Other Publications/Presentations:
- Liu, X., and Chen, X. (2021). Can Authors’ Emails (Personal vs. Work Emails) Be a Part of the Criteria in Evaluating Scholarly Journal Articles? Information Matters. This is an invited "translation" piece, based on an research article by the same authors at Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2019). Information Professionals versus Misinformation in Scholarly Journals. Information Outlook, 23 (2), 3-5.
- Chen, X. and Johnson, D. (2006). Collection and Use of Library In-House Usage Data with Voyager Reports in the I-Share/CARLI Environment. Presentation at The Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries 2006 Conference. The same presentation was also invited to present at CARLI IUG Reports Forum.
- Cataloging Electronic Resources/Electronic Resource Display in OPAC Task Force Final Report. (2004). See bottom of P.8 for the list of Task Force members.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2002). A Comparison of Two State Academic Library Consortia: Illinois' ILCSO and Missouri's MOBIUS, How They and Their Library Catalogs Work. Illinois Libraries. 84(4), 8-17.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2002). The Secrets of Full-text Databases: The Overlap Between a Same Vendor's Subject Database and General Database, and the Differences between Different Vendors in Embargo. Presentation at Brick and Click Libraries: Changes and Challenges. (peer reviewed), Proceedings included in ERIC database with ERIC number ED473134.
- Chen, Xiaotian. (2001). The Competition between Free Internet Search Services and Library Resources. Presentation at Brick and Click Libraries: How Do We Support Both? (peer reviewed), Proceedings included in ERIC database with ERIC number ED462082.
- Contributing in A Dictionary of Current English Problem Words and Expressions edited by Xia, Xongdong & Wang, Mo. (In Chinese, for English learners in China, ISBN: 7-5343-2135-2). Jiangsu Education Press, Nanjing, China. 1994.
Professional Services, at State, National, and International Leveles
- 2020--. Editor, Internet Reference Services Quarterly, a peer-reviewed journal by Taylor & Francis Group.
- 2011--2020. Editorial
Board, Internet Reference Services Quarterly, a peer-reviewed
journal by Taylor & Francis Group.
- 2013--. IGeLU/ELUNA Content Working Group (formerly "SFX KnowledgeBase Advisory Board" and "Knowledgebase Advisory Board").
- 2022--. IGeLU/ELUNA Alma Product Working Group.
- 2014--2021. Editor, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
- 2016--2019. Commercial
Products Committee, The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries
in Illinois (CARLI).
- 2013--2016. SFX System Committee, The Consortium of Academic and Research
Libraries in Illinois (CARLI).
- 2006-2009. I-Share Users Group, The Consortium of Academic and Research
Libraries in Illinois (CARLI).
- 2003-2004. Digital Library Products Committee, Illinois Library Computer
System Organization (ILCSO). The committee investigated, evaluated, and selected
3 digital products for state-wide purchase: OpenURL link resolver, federated
search engine, and digital collection management system.
- 2003. Cataloging Electronic Resources/Electronic Resource Display in OPAC
Task Force, Illinois Library Computer System Organization (ILCSO).
- 1999-2001. Electronic Resources Advisory Committee, Missouri Bibliographic
Information User System (MOBIUS).
For more info, search "Xiaotian Chen" or "Chen, Xiaotian" on Google.
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