Chapter 1

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Table of Contents

Services Marketing

Donna J. Hill

What Are Services?

A Different Context for Services Marketing

Examples of Service Industries

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Importance of Service Sector

Factors Contributing to Growth

Challenges for Services

Differences Between Goods and Services

Figure 1-1 Tangibility Spectrum

Implications of Intangibility

Implications of Heterogeneity

Implications of Simultaneous Production and Consumption

Implications of Perishability

Table 1-2 Services are Different

Figure 1-5 The Services Marketing Triangle

Services Marketing Triangle Applications Exercise

Ways to Use the Services Marketing Triangle

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Services Marketing Mix: 7 Ps for Services

Traditional Marketing Mix

Expanded Mix for Services -- the 7 Ps

Table 1-3 Expanded Marketing Mix for Services

Table 1-3 (Continued) Expanded Marketing Mix for Services

Ways to Use the 7 Ps

Characteristics of Services