The Process

1.      You will be assigned to a news team of four students for either the Confederate or Union side of the Civil War.

2.      Your news team along with another from the opposite side must decide on a date and battle to cover for your newscast.

3.      Each member of your group must choose a segment to direct and produce.

4.      You must meet all of the requirements for each segment. 

5.      Make sure to consult all group members as you develop your segment.

6.      Remember you are living in the Civil War Era so be creative and have fun.



Battle Report:  This segment will give a who, what, where, when, why, and how for the battle.

It is your responsibility to form a story for the newscast on a specific battle.


  • Using the Internet, research which battle you would like to present on.
  • Refer to the websites provided to give you information on where the battle took place.
  • Using resources find out who was in charge and why this battle happened.
  • Refer to websites for background information that might be helpful.


Presentation Responsibilities:

In this section of the newscast you will report on a battle from the Civil War.


  • Be sure to include some “footage” from the battle field.
  • Include at what stage the battle is in and where it is headed.


Battle Newscast Assignment:

Based on all the research you have done on the Civil War battles, you are to create a section of the newscast about a particular battle. The battle section should include:


1.  Where the battle takes place

2.  Who was in charge

3.  Who has the upper hand

4.  Why this battle is significant


Other Notes:

    • Work with your group continuously so your group video taped presentation will flow together smoothly.
    • Use mostly the sources provided for your research, and be sure to document your sources you used on your resource page.
    • Have at least one member of your group proof read your final written draft of your presentation.
    • Make sure you were appropriate clothing that may somewhat resemble the time period for your taping of the newscast.

Interview:  This segment is an interview with a prominent participant in the battle from your side such as a general or commander.

Your role will be to produce and direct the spotlight feature of your team’s newscast.  Choose an important figure from your side who was involved in the battle your team is covering.  Make sure to discuss and agree on the figure you choose with your group.  Research this historical figure using the internet and write an interview with them.  You will conduct the interview with the person you are spotlighting and film it.  You may choose a group member to be the interviewee, or you may play that role. 


Interview Assignment:

You are to produce and direct the spotlight feature of your team’s newscast.  You will need to do the following:


  • Choose a historical figure from your side who was involved in the battle your team is covering.


  • Research this figure using the internet, make sure to use the links provided to the Library of Congress website.


  • Write 10-15 short answer interview questions using the information you obtain through research.  (Do not write questions with simple yes and no answers)


  • Include your sources in the interview transcript (to be turned in).


  • Relate at least 5 of your interview questions to the battle that your news team is covering.


  • Decide whether you want to conduct the interview or be the interviewee.


  • Film the interview; include a short introduction to the historical figure that you have chosen.


Other Notes:


  • Make sure you discuss the historical figure you have chosen with your group.


  • Be true to the date you are covering, you may come across information about the person occurring after that date, and you wouldn’t want to include that.


  • The historical figure you choose must be on your news team’s side of the battle.


  • Be careful that your information is true and that it comes from valid sources.  The Library of Congress website is a great valid place to research; use the link to the researcher’s page.

Statistical Analysis:  This segment will look at the injury and casualty statistics from the battle and compare them to the average battle up to that point in the war.

            It is your responsibility to research the casualty and injury statistics for the battle. 

·        Compare the casualty and injury statistics from this battle to the average battle at this point in the war.

·        You should use at least three other battles to establish the averages.

·        You will need to talk about if this battle was deadlier or less deadly than average and give possible reasons why.

o       These reasons should have their foundations in research but can also be your own opinion.

·        You can include any other statistical analysis you wish for this portion.

Presentation Responsibilities

·        In your portion of the newscast you will present your findings including the possible reasons for the deadliness of the battle.

Statistical Assignment

Based on what you have discovered about this battle you will turn in a written draft of your presentation and include a resource page using APA format.

Include the following in the written portion of the presentation:

·        Statistics for this battle and the three or more others that you used.

·        Rationale for the deadliness of the battle.

·        Your work for how you found the averages of the other battles.

Other Notes:

    • Work with your group continuously so your group video taped presentation will flow together smoothly.
    • Use mostly the sources provided for your research, and be sure to document your sources you used on your resource page.
    • Have at least one member of your group proof read your final written draft of your presentation.
    • Make sure you were appropriate clothing that may somewhat resemble the time period for your taping of the newscast.

Medical Report:  This segment will detail the medical technology, medicine, and treatments being used by your side during the war.

It is your responsibility to research the medical care taking place during the civil war.


·        Using the internet and the links provided in the resource section, research the medical technology, medicines, and treatments occurring during the civil war.

·        Research to find out what the differences in medical care between the Union and the Confederate sides were.

·        You should find out who was responsible for the medical care of the troops for each side.

·        Note what affect the civil war medical practices had on patients.

·        Find out how effective these medical practices turned out to be.


Presentation Responsibilities:

·        In your portion of the news cast, you will describe the medical technology, medicines, and treatments that were used during the civil war.

·        You will report on the specific medical care being used for your assigned side (either Union or Confederate).

·        You will tell who was responsible for providing care and treating the troops medical conditions.

·        You will mention what affect these medical practices had on patients’ lives and their effectiveness at that time.


Medical Assignment:

Based on what you have learned about the medical practices taking place on your side (Union or Confederate) during the civil war you will create a written draft of your presentation and include a resource

page using APA format.


Include the following in your written draft of your portion of the presentation:

  1. Description of the medical technology, medicines, and treatments being used during the civil war
  2. Discussion of the specific medical care your side (Union or Confederate) uses to treat its troops
  3. Identification of who is responsible on your side for providing care and treatment to the troops.
  4. Explanation of the outcomes/affects these medical practices have on patients’ lives.
  5. Description of the overall effectiveness of these medical practices.


Other Notes:

    • Work with your group continuously so your group video taped presentation will flow together smoothly.
    • Use mostly the sources provided for your research, and be sure to document your sources you used on your resource page.
    • Have at least one member of your group proof read your final written draft of your presentation.
    • Make sure you were appropriate clothing that may somewhat resemble the time period for your taping of the newscast.


Library of Congress Search Page

This is the Library of Congress’ researcher’s search page.  You can search the entire website through this link.


American Memory,+Military

This site shows you many different war collections held in the Library of congress web site, links are included to each collection.


Band music from the Civil War Era

This site is dedicated to band music during the civil war. It includes a historical overview, photo gallery, info about the instruments, sound bites and more. 


Civil War images

This site is a collection of images from the civil war era, including information about the images.


Civil War maps

This site is the Library of Congress’ Civil war map collection.


The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft

This site contains the diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, Washington during the Civil War, it is dated 1861-1865.  The diary details events in Washington during the Civil War years including Taft's connection with Abraham Lincoln and his family. Of special interest is Taft's description of Lincoln's assassination, based on the accounts of his friends and his son, who was one of the attending physicians at Ford's Theatre the night Lincoln was shot, on April 14, 1865.


A Civil War Soldier in the Wild Cat Regiment

Selections from the Tilton C. Reynolds Papers documents the Civil War experience of Captain Tilton C. Reynolds, a member of the 105th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers. The letters dated 1861-65, feature details of the regiment's movements, accounts of military engagements, and descriptions of the daily life of soldiers and their views of the war.


Civil War Photographs

This site is a collection of Civil War photographs.


Jump Back in Time

This site allows you to “jump back in time”, including links to many different civil war stories including the dates of the stories.


Meet Amazing Americans

This site contains information about presidents and leaders who are important historical figures.


Today in History

This site tells what happened on this date in history and includes a search link to the Today in History archives.


Shotgun’s Home of the American Civil War

Click on civil war medicine and it takes you to various sources and articles that will give you info.


American Civil War Homepage

This site has many likes to different sources you may want to search for medical info.


Civil War Medicine

This site has info drawn from some good resources on civil war medicine, medical technology, amputations, and medical transport.


The American Civil War

A website with a list of battles including details such as dates, generals, casualties, and background.


Civil War Documents

A website with a list of real documents from the Civil War, which can be used to gather background information.



A website that reveals what the Union’s strategy was, this is useful for background information.



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