- Purpose - logical description of a system, i.e., "what" is being done.
- DFDs do not represent the physical operation of the system,
i.e., who is doing the work or how the work is being done.
- DFDs are useful for several reasons.
- Permanent record of what the system is supposed to do.
- Facilitates future modification.
- Improves auditability.
- DFDs can be broken down into many sublevels to show
the desired level of detail.
- Highest level is context diagram. Here is a context
diagram based on figure 2.7. Some important points:
- 1 bubble represents entire system.
- Squares represent entities that send & receive data.
- Data flow arrows show inputs and outputs.
- Data stores NOT shown. They are within the system.
- Next level is a level 0 DFD. This explodes the context diagram. Here is a level 0 dfd based on figure 2.8. Some important points:
- Flow is from upper left to lower right.
- Level 0 DFD must balance with the context diagram it
- Inputs going into a process are different from outputs leaving the process.
- Number processes as 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, .......
- Use verbs to name the processes. Use nouns to name the data flows.
- Data stores are first shown at this level.
- Next level is a level 1 DFD. This explodes the level 0 diagram. Here is a level 1dfd based on figure 2.9. Some important points:
- Flow is from upper left to lower right.
- Level 1 DFD must balance with the level 0 it
- Inputs going into a process are different from outputs leaving the process.
- Numbering depends upon which level 0 process is exploded. When exploding
process N, number the level 1 processes as N.1, N.2 N.3, ....
- Continue to show data stores.
- Use verbs to name processes. Use nouns to name data flows.
- Continue to refine and explode the diagram until each process represents a simple function.
- Steps for drawing a DFD.