A Developmental Case Scenario

Andrew, age 17 is Bill's son from his first marriage.  Andrew is a senior at the local catholic private high school which has a reputation for the academic excellence of its students. Andrew has maintained a B average without too much trouble, but does not apply himself to his
academic work.  He has plans to attend college as far away from home as possible. Bill has been putting pressure on Andrew to get his grades up and curtail some of his social activities.  Andrew is involved in soccer and tennis and dropped out of baseball because the practices interfered with other activities.

Andrew has been drinking alcohol on a weekly basis with his friends since he was a sophomore.  Lately he has begun experimenting with marijuana.  He and some other adolescents were arrested during one party after police responded to a complaint of noise from a house which was supposed to be empty.   Sandy and Bill picked him up at the police station and at court, Andrew was put on probation and given public service.  If he completes his probation with no further
problem his record will be expunged.  Andrew has his first serious relationship with a girl and they have been experimenting sexually although both are still virgins.

Go to Andrew's Reflective Learning Task Three