A Developmental Case Scenario

Bertha Russell is a 72-year old, widowed mother of Sandy Wardman. Harry, Bertha's husband died of lung cancer 10 years ago after a long, drawn out period of illness. Bertha cared for Harry throughout his illness, preferring to provide all of his care rather than hiring an aide or home nurse.  After Harry's death, Bertha who had never worked outside of the home had a difficult time adjusting to widowhood.  She refused to sell and move out of the family home even though it was too
large for her to manage successfully.

After several years, Sandy persuaded Bertha to move in with her and Miranda. When Sandy and Bill married, Bertha moved with them as well.  Bertha has never grieved the loss of her husband and lately has been very forgetful, has periods of
irritability and at times, believes Miranda is Sandy when she was 9 years old.  Bill and Sandy are considering taking Bertha to a psychiatrist for an evaluation but Bertha has been adamant about not

Go to Bertha's Reflective Learning Task Five