A Developmental Case Scenario

Miranda, age 9 is Sandy's daughter from her first marriage.  Miranda's biological father has no contact with her and is sporadic in his child support payments.  It is only when Sandy periodically goes to court that he pays.  The child support is important because Miranda has some special needs that must be provided for.  Sandy originally noted that Miranda was slow in making developmental milestones such as rolling over and sitting up. At preschool screening she was found to be about 8
months behind her peers in development and at 1st grade was tested by the school psychologist and found to have an IQ in the educable mentally retarded range.  Miranda's pediatrician has no explanation for her condition and Sandy has felt much guilt over the years trying to come up
with explanations.

Miranda is in special ed at school and had friends with whom she plays from both school and church.  Her older stepbrother, Andrew, avoids her as much as possible although she idolizes him.  Miranda had some behavioral problems when Evan was born. Prior to his arrival, she had been the baby of the family and her mother's special girl.  She continues to treat Evan poorly and resents his intrusion into her life.

Go to Miranda's Reflective Learning Task Two