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Dr. Adrian's Areas of Expertise | |||||
Measuring Construction Productivity; Ph.D. Thesis in Civil Engineering at the the University of Illinois-Urbana (1972). Ph.D. research entailed the collection of on-site project data and the measurement of lost productivity as a function of various external factors. B.S., M.S., Ph.D.; Civil Engineering (emphasis construction) at the University of Illinois-Urbana with a focus on construction productivity, methods, materials, management, cost estimating, and controlling costs. B.S., Accounting, Bradley University with a focus on application of proper accounting and financial management to the construction industry. Recognition and Awards:The national Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) after a national search, selected Dr. Adrian to author their national construction productivity training twenty-five hour course and training manual (STP-Superintendent Training Program). Selected to address the National Research Commission in Washington DC on the measurement of productivity. Named Bradley University's Scholastic Scholar for work on the measurement and improvement of productivity. Named as the Distinguished Alumni Recipient at the University of Illinois-Urbana Civil Engineering Department for research on construction productivity. Publications:Textbooks: Adrian, James J., A Ten Step Program for Improving Construction Productivity, Builder Books- National Association of Home Builders Press, Washington, DC. 2001 (Book: 161 pages). Adrian, James J., Total Productivity and Quality Management, Stipes Publishing, Champaign, IL, 1995 (Hard cover book: 362 pages). Adrian, James J., Construction Productivity Improvement, Elsevier Publishing, New York, New York, 1984 (Hard cover book: 346 pages). Training Manuals: Adrian, James J., Productivity Improvement, AGC Education and Research Foundation, Washington, DC, 1994; AGC's National Training Course (STP), 1992, 2002. Adrian, James J., Productivity Improvement, AGC Education and Research Foundation, Washington, DC, 1994; AGC's National Training Course (STP), 1992, 2002. Adrian, James J., Productivity Improvement, AGC Education and Research Foundation, Washington, DC, 1994; AGC's National Training Course (STP), 1992, 2002. Adrian, James J., Productivity Improvement, AGC Education and Research Foundation, Washington, DC, 1994; AGC's National Training Course (STP), 1992, 2002. Adrian, James J., Productivity Improvement, AGC Education and Research Foundation, Washington, DC, 1994; AGC's National Training Course (STP), 1992, 2002. Consulting Engagements-Clients:Consultant to national construction contractors, designers, and corporations. For list of projects and representative clients, click below: Click to view list professional services provided by Dr. Adrian
Click to view list of projects for which Dr. Adrian has been a productivity/cost consultant Measurement and Improvement of Construction Productivity; seminar given to national conventions, associations, and firms. Seminar length is one day or one-half day. (Seminar given in excess of 1,500 engagements). Measuring and Improving Construction Productivity, given 2 to 5 times a year for the Associated General Contractors or American (AGC) at annual Project Manager course and annual Advanced Management Program. University classes developed and taught: CON 372, Construction Methods and Improvement; junior level required course in Civil Engineering and Construction that address the improvement of construction productivity. CON 582, Construction Project Administration, graduate level class in productivity measurement and improvement.
B.S., M.S., Ph.D. studies in Civil Engineering (emphasis construction) at the University of Illinois-Urbana with a focus on construction productivity, methods, materials, management, cost estimating, and controlling costs. B.S., Accounting, Bradley University with a focus on application of proper accounting and financial management to the construction industry. Recognition and Awards:Named as expert and honorary member of the National Society of Professional Estimators Association (one of four individuals ever named). Publications:Textbooks: Adrian, James J., Construction Estimating: An Accounting and Productivity Approach-4th Edition, Stipes Publishing, Champaign, IL, 1993 (Hard cover book: 536 pages). Adrian, James J., Construction Estimating: An Accounting and Productivity Approach-1-3rd Editions, Prentice Hall-Reston, Reston, Virginia, 1982 (Hard cover book: 534 pages).. Consulting Engagements-Clients:Consultant to construction firms and organizations on procedures for improving construction cost estimating and selection of computerized estimating systems. Expert testimony given at numerous arbitrations and courts cases regarding proper procedures and accuracy of construction estimates. Click to view list professional services provided by Dr. Adrian
Click to view list of projects for which Dr. Adrian has been a productivity/cost consultant Construction Cost Estimating ; seminar given to national conventions, associations, and firms. Seminar length is one day or one-half day. University classes developed and taught: CON 496, Construction Estimating; senior level required course in Civil Engineering and Construction. CON 586, Construction Estimating-Advanced, graduate level course in Civil Engineering and Construction.
B.S., M.S., Ph.D. studies in Civil Engineering (emphasis construction) at the University of Illinois-Urbana with a focus on construction productivity, methods, materials, management, cost estimating, and controlling costs. B.S., Accounting, Bradley University with a focus on application of proper accounting and financial management to the construction industry. Recognition and Awards:Current active member of the American Arbitration Association in recognition of expertise to be equitable in resolving disputed changes and disputes. Named by the Department of Transportation (Illinois) to serve as independent board member to resolve disputes between department of transportation and contractors. Publications:Textbooks: Adrian, James J., Construction Claims: A Quantitative Approach-2nd Edition, Stipes Publishing, Champaign, IL, 1993 ( 306 pages). Adrian, James J., Construction Claims: A Quantitative Approach-1st Edition, Prentice-Hall Reston, Virginia 1988 ( 306 pages). Consulting Engagements-Clients:Expert on construction productivity measurement and costs on numerous construction projects. Arbitrator and mediator for numerous change order and claim disputes on projects. Click to view list professional services provided by Dr. Adrian
Click to view list of projects for which Dr. Adrian has been a productivity/cost consultant Construction Change Orders and Claims ; seminar given to national conventions, associations, and firms. Seminar length is one day or one-half day. University classes developed and taught: CON 492, Construction Contracts; senior level required course in Civil Engineering and Construction. CON 582, Construction Contract Administration, graduate level course in Civil Engineering and Construction.
B.S., M.S., Ph.D. studies in Civil Engineering (emphasis construction) at the University of Illinois-Urbana with a focus on construction productivity, methods, materials, management, cost estimating, and controlling costs. B.S., Accounting, Bradley University with a focus on application of proper accounting and financial management to the construction industry. Consulting Engagements-Clients:Valuation studies conducted for various construction firms to include heavy and highway contractor and specialty contractors. Valuations include the appraisal of various excavation equipment. Valuations reports prepared for divorce hearings, sale and acquisition purposes, and tax and profit sharing objectives. Click to view list professional services provided by Dr. Adrian
Click to view list of projects for which Dr. Adrian has been a productivity/cost consultant |