Pre-1800: Oxides of nitrogen first used in making H2SO4
LEBLANC: Soda Process
1801: Niobium (originally called columbium) --- 1802: Tantalum--- EKEBERG 1803: Cerium--- BERZELIUS 1803: Palladium--- WOLLASTON 1803: Rhodium--- WOLLASTON 1804: Osmium--- TENNANT 1804: Iridium--- TENNANT 1807: Sodium--- DAVY 1807: Potassium--- DAVY 1808: Magnesium---DAVY 1808: Calcium--- DAVY 1808: Strontium--- DAVY 1808: Barium--- DAVY 1808: Boron--- GAY-LUSSAC, |
1801: First beet-sugar factory (Silesia) Bone-black first used in sugar refining. Vacuum pans first used. |
1811: Iodine--- COURTOIS 1817: Cadmium--- STROMEYER 1817: Lithium--- ARFVEDSON 1818: Selenium--- BERZELIUS GROTTHUSS' Photochemical Absorption Law. |
1810 |
DAVY: miner's safety lamp. DAVY: Platinum catalyst. Pyrite first used in making H2SO4. Rosin for paper size. |
BERZELIUS' "JAHRESBERICHT." (Annual Report) 1824: Silicon--- BERZELIUS 1824: Zirconium--- BERZELIUS 1825: Aluminum--- OERSTED 1826: Bromine--- BALARD 1828: Beryllium--- WÖHLER 1829: Thorium--- BERZELIUS |
1820return to topGEN ORG/BIO |
The Quick Vinegar Process. Portland cement. Babbitt metal. Kerosene illuminant. High-pressure boiler. Hot air used in blast furnace. Galvanized iron. Chilean nitrate. Invention of dynamo. Oxalic acid from wood.--- GUY-LUSSAC LIEBIG: First systematic laboratory instruction in chemistry. |
1830: Vanadium--- SEFSTRÖM 1839: Lanthanum--- MOSANDER |
1830 |
Beginning of LIEBIG's "ANNALEN". LIEBIG's new methods for analysis of Phosphorus matches. Induction coil. Beginnings of electro-metallurgy. DAGUERRE--- Photography. Manganese steel. Utilization of blast-furnace gases. Vulcanization of rubber. Multiple-effect evaporator. Mercerizing process. |
Photochemical work of DRAPER. 1843: Yttrium, Erbium, and Terbium--- 1844: Ruthenium--- CLAUS |
1840return to topGEN ORG/BIO |
Pneumatic tire. Anesthetics. Wood pulp for paper. Guncotton. Safety match. |
1852: BUNSEN and ROSCOE's
photochemical work. BUNSEN and KIRCHHOFF's photochemical work led to their discoveries of Rubidium and Cesium and later, the discovery of |
1850 |
Pyroxlin laquer. DEVILLE: Al by Na reduction of AlCl3 BESSEMER Converter. 1856: PERKIN: mauve KNAB: retort coke oven. BUNSEN's "GASOMETRISCHE METHODEN." First oil well. Chrome tanning. |
1861: Rubidium and 1860: Cesium--- 1861: Thallium--- CROOKES 1863: Indium--- Formula of ozone--- SORET Helium spectum in sun--- |
1860return to topGEN ORG/BIO |
Regenerative blast-furnace stoves. Storage cell. Dynamite. SOLVAY Soda Process. Beginning of metallography--- SORBY. SIEMENS' Open Hearth Steel Process. Chrome steel. Tungsten tool steel. Celluloid, the first plastic. 1869: MENDELEEV's Periodic Table. |
1875: Gallium--- BOISBAUDRAN 1879: Ytterbium--- MARIGNAC 1879: Scandium--- NILSON 1879: Thulium and Holmium--- CLEVE |
1870 |
Electric arc lighting. DEACON Process for chlorine. KNAB-CARVES coke oven (which preceded the Semet-Solvay oven. Ferromanganese American Chemical Society founded. |
1880: Samarium--- BOISBAUDRAN 1880: Gadolinium--- MARIGNAC 1885: Praseodymium and Neodymium--- 1886: Dysprosium--- BOISBAUDRAN 1886: Germanium--- WINKLER 1886: Fluorine--- MOISSAN |
1880return to topGEN ORG/BIO |
BRIN Process for oxygen.![]() Mineral floation process. HALL Process for aluminum. THE ELECTRIC FURNACE ![]() Rotary converter. Electric welding. |
1894: Argon--- RAYLEIGH 1895: Helium--- 1898: Neon, Xenon, and Krypton--- 1898: Polonium and Radium--- 1899: Actinium--- DEBIERNE |
1890 |
FRASCH process for obtaining sulfur THE ELECTRIC FURNACE (continued) ![]() ![]() 1894: Foundations of the Arc Process (RAYLEIGH) ![]() |
1900: Radon--- DORN 1901: Europium---DEMARCAY 1905: EINSTEIN: Photoelectrical theory. 1907: Lutetium--- |
1900return to topGEN ORG/BIO |
1900: OSTWALD Process for oxidation of NH3. Contact Process for H2SO4 1903: BIRKELAND-EYDE Process. Mechanical classifier. 1905: HABER Process practicable. (perfected after 1910) Aniline rubber accelerators. 1909: "Bakelite" phenol-formaldehyde resins ![]() Continuous vacuum filters. |
EINSTEIN: Law of Photochemical Equivalence. Hydrides of boron and silicon--- STOCK 1917: Protactinium--- ASTON: Mass Spectrograph |
1910 |
BURTON Process for petroleum "cracking." HABER Process perfected. Earliest POLYMERS, their chemistry and synthesis. |
MILLIKAN--- Cosmic rays. COMPTON effect. 1923: Hafnium--- 1925: Rhenium--- NODDACK, et al. 1925: PAULI exclusion principle. 1926: SCHRÖDINGER: wave mechanics. 1927: HEISENBERG uncertainty principle. |
1920return to topGEN ORG/BIO |
POLYMERS: Chemical Synthesis SYNTHETIC FIBERS, PLASTICS Rayon FISCHER-TROPSCH catalyst (Fe/Co) ![]() Vapor-phase cracking |
1932: Neutron--- CHADWICK UREY--- Deuterium ![]() 1939: Technetium--- 1939: Francium--- PEREY |
1930 |
SYNTHETIC FIBERS, PLASTICS Acrylics Boron carbide Bromine from sea BERGIUS process (hydrogenate coal ![]() |
1940: Astatine--- CORSON, et al. 1940: Neptunium--- 1940: Plutonium--- SEABORG, et al. 1944: Americium--- SEABORG, et al. 1944: Curium--- SEABORG, et al. 1945: Promethium--- Berkelium--- SEABORG Californium--- SEABORG |
1940return to topGEN ORG/BIO |
LIBBY--- C14 Dating ![]() 1954: Einsteinium--- SEABORG et al. 1954: Fermium--- SEABORG et al. 1955: Mendelevium--- SEABORG, et al. 1957: Nobelium--- FIELDS, et al. Tritium dating. |
1950 |
SYNTHETIC FIBERS, PLASTICSUrethanes First nuclear fission electricity. Isoniazid Syndets (synthetic detergents) Psychochemicals First full nuclear power plant, USA |
1961: Lawrencium (103, Lr)--- GHIORSO 1968:Dubnium (105, Db)--- FLEROV |
1960return to topGEN ORG/BIO |
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1970: Rutherfordium (104, Rf)--GHIORSO 1974: Seaborgium (106, Sg)-- |
1970 |
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1981: Bohrium (107, Bh)---MÜNZENBERG 1982: Meitnerium (109, Mt)---MÜNZENBERG 1984: Hassium (108, Hs)------MÜNZENBERG |
1980return to topGEN ORG/BIO |
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1994: Element 110--- S. HOFMANN, et al. 1994: Element 111--- S. HOFMANN, et al. 1996: Element 112--- S. HOFMANN, et al. 1999: Element 114--- (Dubna) |
1990 |
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2000return to topGEN ORG/BIO |
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