in the 19th and 20th Centuries |
1791: GALVANI discovers "animal electricity." 1792-4: J. RICHTER: "ANFANGSGRUNDEN DER STOICHIOMETRIE." ("Basics of Stoichiometry") Determines constant combining proportions and "equivalents," especially of acids and alkalies. |
1790Return to top ELT/TECH |
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1800: VOLTA shows that "animal electricity" is not of animal origin but from contact of metals. Produces "current electricity." Is this due to chemical action or to mere contact of metals? 1800: The Voltaic Pile. NICHOLSON and CARLISLE produce hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis of water. 1803-1807: BERZELIUS and HISINGER. Decomposition of salts by electrolysis. 1805: GROTTHUSS' theory of electrolysis. DAVY isolates the alkali metals by electrolysis, supposing them at first to be hydrogen compounds; establishes (1810) the elementary nature of chlorine. Controversy between PROUST and BERTHOLLET over the 1. Every element consists of homogeneous atoms, all of which have the same constant weight. |
1800Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
Equal volumes of gases contain equal numbers of "molecules." The physical atom (molecule) of an elementary gas is not the same as a chemical atom. The former may consist of several of the latter. Same principle announced independently by AMPÉRE in 1814. PROUT'S Hypothesis: Atomic Weights are multiples of hydrogen. DALTON unsuccessful in determining atomic weights. Used arbitrary symbols for atoms (Greek letters, circled "+", etc.); modern system of symbols and notation was introduced by BERZELIUS later in this decade. BERZELIUS makes many careful determinations of combining weights, confirming WOLLASTON'S Law of Multiple Proportions. BERZELIUS' DUALISTIC THEORY: All compounds, organic and inorganic, consist of a positive and a negative part. Elements are either electropositive or electronegative. BERZELIUS' ideas lead to DUMAS' Etherin Theory and THE RADICAL THEORY. Earlier in this decade, GAY-LUSSAC and THENARD on iodine and cyanogen (First compound "radical"). |
1810Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
(1818: GROTTHUSS' Photochemical Absorption Law |
BERZELIUS' greatest work was in the substantiation of the Atomic Theory. He determined many atomic weights by study of composition, reactions, by analogy, etc. DUMAS' method for vapor density determination. Unsuccessful in fixing atomic weights. DÖBEREINER'S Triads. |
1820Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
1823: FARADAY and DAVY on liquefaction of gases. 1824: CARNOT: Second law of thermodynamics. "Brownian movement" observed. |
GRAHAM discovers polybasic nature of phosphoric acid 1834: FARADAY'S Law. Electrochemical equivalent. |
1830Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
GRAHAM on diffusion of gases. "Adsorption" of hydrogen by platinum---- FARADAY |
DOWNFALL OF OXYGEN THEORY OF ACIDS STAS' accurate work on atomic weights, extending over many years, establishes the exactness of laws of chemical combination and of conservation of mass. 1843: DUMAS: Combining proportions of hydrogen and oxygen. LAURENT and GERHARDT define atomic weights in terms of twice the volume of the unit weight of hydrogen. Distinguish among atom, molecule and equivalent. |
1840Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
DRAPER'S photochemical work based on that of GROTTHUSS (1818). Leads to work by BUNSEN and ROSCOE. 1840: Law of HESS. Beginning of thermochemistry. 1849: GRAHAM on diffusion of liquids. 1849: FRANKLAND: Metal alkyls. idea of |
1851: WILLIAMSON: "ON THE CONSTITUTION OF SALTS." Substitution of atoms. Distinguishes between atom and molecule of an element. Graphic formulas----KEKULÉ and COUPER MODERN CONCEPTION OF GERHARDT (~1855): Formulas can only express reactions and relations of compounds. Atomic arrangement is impossible to determine. |
1850Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
1852: BUNSEN and ROSCOE'S photochemical work. (based on DRAPER'S 1840 work.) BUNSEN and G. R. KIRCHHOFF: Spectroscopic analysis. identification of rubidium and cesium and helium. HITTORF: Migration of ions and transference numbers. KINETIC THEORY OF GASES developed by
CLAUSIUS: Equilibrium of ions and molecules. ( Arrhenius' Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation (~1888). |
1860: Karlsruhe meeting. CANNIZZARO explains how to fix values for atomic weights. (based upon previous work of Avogadro, Döbereiner and Laurent and Gerhardt)MODERN CONCEPTION OF VALENCE AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE1861: GRAHAM: Dialysis and distinction between colloids and crystalloids. (based upon earlier work by Graham (1849).DE CHANCOURTOIS 1869: THE PERIODIC LAW:
Vicinity of the "Periodic Law" in the "Mallinckrodt Outline of the History of Chemistry". |
1860Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY1863: GULDBERG and WAAGE: Law of Mass Action (based in part on by Berthelot and De St. Gilles.) 1869: GOLDSTEIN: Discovery of cathode rays. 1869: BERTHELOT'S thermochemical studies. |
1874: VAN'T HOFF and LE BEL: independently establish the foundations of STEREOCHEMISTRY based in part upon work of Pasteur. CROOKES' Cathode rays are negatively charged particles. |
1870Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
ANDREWS: Conception of critical temperature and pressure. The CLARK standard cell. 1873: VAN DER WAALS'S equation. 1876: KOHLRAUSCH: relative migration velocities (based on work of Hittorf and Clausius. GIBBS' Phase Rule. Chemical thermodynamics. 1877: PFEFFER'S measurements of osmotic pressure. 1878: VICTOR MEYER'S work on vapor densities. Dissociation of iodine. 1879: Law of Maximum Work |
1886: GOLDSTEIN: Discovery of "canal rays." 1887:WISLICENUS: "DIE LAGERUNG DER ATOME IM RAUME" 1888: LE CHATELIER'S Principle. |
1880Return to top ELT/TECH |
HELMHOLTZ applies thermodynamics to electrochemistry. 1881: RAOULT: Freezing and Boiling Point Laws. 1882: THOMSEN thermochemical studies. 1884: VAN'T HOFF on equilibrium. 1885: OSTWALD Dilution Law. NERNST'S osmotic theory of electrochemical action. THEORY OF ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION Vicinity of the "Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation" in the "Mallinckrodt Outline of the History of Chemistry".1889: NERNST: Concept of Solubility Product. |
1891: Term "electron" ---- STONEY. 1892: WERNER: The metal ammonia complexes. OSTWALD: theory of indicators. ( HANTZSCH ) 1895: Completion of MORLEY'S work on the combining ratio 1895: RÖNTGEN: X-rays. 1896: WILSON: First cloud chamber. 1896: BECQUEREL: Radioactivity of uranium. 1897: WIECHART and J. J. THOMSON: "Radiant matter" ---- Vicinity of the Bohr atom, etc., in the "Mallinckrodt Outline of the History of Chemistry".1899: E. RUTHERFORD: α and β rays. 1899: THIELE'S partial valence theory. |
1890Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
The WESTON standard cell. |
Tautomeric theory of indicators (HANTZSCH, based on Ostwald's work) Liquifaction of hydrogen Onnes { 1900: BECQUEREL: β rays = cathode rays. 1903: RICHARDS and pupils on revision of atomic weight values. 1904: KIPPING: investigation of silanes, which was basis 1905: EINSTEIN: Photoelectrical theory. Special theory of relativity. 1909: E. RUTHERFORD: α rays are helium (ions). |
1900Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
1900: PLANCK: The Quantum Theory. SUTHERLAND: Theory of complete ionization. BJERRUM. Debye and Hückel. 1906: NERNST: Heat Theorem. Third Law of Thermodynamics. 1907: LEWIS introduces the concept of "activity." 1907: MORSE and FRAZER'S measurements of osmotic pressure. Use of "pH" --- SØRENSEN |
ONNES: Liquifaction of Helium. 1911: E. RUTHERFORD: Discovery of nuclear atom. Vicinity of the Bohr atom in the "Mallinckrodt Outline of the History of Chemistry".EINSTEIN: Law of Photochemical Equivalence. "Active" nitrogen ----- STRUTT. J. J. THOMSON: Positive Rays. "Meta-neon." 1911: WILSON: Expansion cloud chamber---ionization tract. 1913:BOHR ATOM. Theory of stationary states. ATOMIC NUMBERS ---- MOSELEY Aston. Scroll down to 1910 to view the vicinity of Atomic Numbers in the "Mallinckrodt Outline of the History of Chemistry".1913: SODDY, FAJANS, RUSSELL: Group displacement law. 1913: SODDY: Isotope concept. "LAUE'S Spots." BRAGG and BRAGG: Crystal structure. 1914: RICHARDS and LEMBERT: "Isotopic lead." 1915: BRAGG Fourier series. ( Robertson) {1916: LEWIS and 1919: LANGMUIR} Theory of Atomic Structure Electronic formulas 1917: LANGMUIR: unimolecular film. 1919: E. RUTHERFORD: Artificial transmutation. Atom Nucleus. α particle bombardment of light elements. GAMOW Cockcroft. |
1910Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
1911: DONNAN: Law of Membrane Equilibrium. 1912: DEBYE: theory of dipole moments. Polar and non-polar compounds. RICHARDS: Compressibility of atoms. 1916: FREUNDLICH and LANGMUIR: Adsorption isotherm. ( Willstätter) 1919: ASTON: Mass Spectrograph. Isotopic elements. Whole Number Rule. |
1920: KRATZER--- Molecular spectra. 1923: SMEKAL--- light scatter frequency characteristic of liquids. MILLIKAN: Cosmic rays. COMPTON effect. BRØNSTED and HEVESY: mercury isotopes. HARKINS et al.: chlorine isotopes. E. RUTHERFORD 1923: BRØNSTED theory. LEWIS (Electronic theory of acids and bases) and SIDGWICK (Covalency Rule) 1925: HEYROVSKÝ: Polarography. G. P. THOMSON et al.: crystal analysis ( elucidation of Structure. Related work by LONSDALE |
1920Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
LEWIS and RANDALL--- ionic activity (, c) 1923: DE BROGLIE: electron diffraction. DEBYE and HÜCKEL DEBYE-HÜCKEL-ONSAGER Equation. |
PAULI: Neutrino Hypothesis DIRAC > C. D. ANDERSON: Positron. PAULING--- Resonance --(culmination of previous spectroscopy, x-ray and electron diffraction, crystal analysis and bonding theories by Lewis, et al.), and HOUWINK'S study of physical properties and structure. STRUCTURE. 1933: ROBERTSON: X-ray analysis structure. 1933: RABI JOLIOT-CURIE: Artificial Radioactivity |
1930Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
YUKAWA Prediction of Meson. Cosmic rays C. D. ANDERSON: Meson. PAULI Neutrino Hypothesis. COCKCROFT and WALTON:
NUCLEAR FISSION SPALLATION (given U235 and Pu239) ATOMIC BOMB and NUCLEAR REACTORS in which regeneration of fuel can occur . ION EXCHANGE: applied to separation of radioisotopes. Linear Accelerators > Synchrotron Principle > Electron Synchrotron Synchro-Cyclotron (1950's)Cosmotron Infrared spectroscopy and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ORGANIC SYNTHESIS
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Molecular Orbital Theory |
1940Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
LIBBY: C14 DATING NUCLEAR FUSION (H2 and H3) --- HYDROGEN BOMB Geochemistry and Magnetochemistry Complexes and Crystal Field Theory Neutrino and antineutrino (based upon Fermi's Beta-Decay Theory) Parity Laws (mentioned at right ) Cosmotron Bevatron |
1950Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
Hyperons (and neutrino/antineutrino) |
1962: BARTLETT: first noble gas (xenon) compounds |
1960Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
Beginnings of Computational Chemistry |
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1970Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
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1985 - KROTO and WALTON: C60 (fullerene) 1988 - Scanning Tunnelling Microscope images a benzene molecule |
1980Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
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1990Return to top ELT/TECH Org/Bio |
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