Academic Advisement
Physical Therapy Department
Health Science Major


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Your academic advisor is an important resource person. Working with your advisor can help you define your academic and career goals and help you choose other classes. To ensure your success, you should expect to work closely with your academic advisor and faculty to design a rigorous program that contributes to both your professional growth and your intellectual curiosity.

When should I see my advisor?
Anytime, but do not wait until the end of the semester when it’s time to select classes. Academic Advisors are very busy during this time. Do not wait until the last minute!

How do I make an appointment to see my advisor?
Call your Advisor’s office and make an appointment. You can also stop by during your advisor’s scheduled office hours. If you make an appointment, make sure it’s one you can keep.

Before you see an advisor:
1. Think of some ideas of possible minors that you want to explore if you are undecided
2. Think about your academic options plus your long and short range academic goals.
3. Make a list of possible courses or subjects that may interest you.
4. Write down any other topics you would like to discuss with your Advisor.

When you go see your advisor:
1. Be on time.
2. Take a notebook and a pen.
3. Take your list of ideas and questions.

Your advisor will:
1. Have your academic record on hand.
2. Be a knowledgeable professional in his/her field.
3. Help you sort through your options.
4. Be able to discuss with you skills and interests shared by people in the advisor’s discipline.
5. Explore with you possibilities for employment and/or graduate school.
6. If necessary, refer you to someone else for additional information or assistance.

Your advisor will NOT:
1. Pick your courses for you.
2. Make your decisions for you.

How do I find out who my academic advisor is?
Contact the Health Science office at  677-2857.